
New Zealand Hoki

Macruronus Novaezelandiae

Fishing method: Trawl caught

Origin: New Zealand / China

Catch area: FAO 81

Available in a range of product specifications - IQF fillets, IQF cut portions, industrial blocks, full fillet and B&P.

Blue Whiting

Micromesistius Poutassou

Fishing method: Line caught / Trawl caught / Sea frozen

Origin: Scottland, Iceland, Ireland and Faroe Islands

Catch area: FAO 27

Available in WR.

Atlantic Cod

Gadus Morhua

Fishing method: Line caught / Trawl caught / Sea frozen

Origin: Norway, Russia, Faroe Islands, Iceland and Greenland

Catch area: FAO 27, FAO 21

Available in a range of product specifications - IQF fillets, IQF loins, IQF cut tails, IQF cut portions, IQF Moulded tight fit fillet, industrial blocks, full fillet, loinless, B&P, belly and H&G.

Atlantic Salmon

Salmo Salar

Fishing method: Farmed

Origin: Norway, Chile and Iceland

Catch area: Farmed

Available in a range of product specifications - IQF fillets, IQF portions, industrial blocks, full fillet, loinless, B&P, scrape meat, mince, bellies, backbones, heads, trimmings and Head-On-Gutted.

Pink Salmon

Oncorhynchus Gorbuscha

Fishing method: Trawl caught

Origin: US, Canada, Russia

Catch area:  FAO 67, FAO 61

Available in a range of product specifications - IQF fillets, IQF loins, IQF cut tails, IQF cut portions, industrial blocks, full fillet, loinless, B&P, and H&G.

Chum Salmon

Oncorhynchus Keta

Fishing method: Trawl caught

Origin: US, Canada, Russia

Catch area: FAO 67, FAO 61

Available in a range of product specifications - IQF fillets, IQF loins, IQF cut tails, IQF cut portions, industrial blocks, full fillet, loinless, B&P and H&G.

Sockeye Salmon

Oncorhynchus Nerka

Fishing method: Trawl caught

Origin: US, Canada, Russia

Catch area: FAO 67, FAO 61

Available in a range of product specifications - IQF fillets, IQF loins, IQF cut tails, IQF cut portions, industrial blocks, full fillet, loinless, B&P and H&G.


Pollachius Virens

Fishing method: Line caught / Trawl caught

Origin: Norway, Russia, Portugal

Catch area: FAO 27

Available in a range of product specifications - IQF fillets, IQF loins, IQF cut tails, IQF cut portions, industrial blocks, full fillet, loinless, B&P and H&G.

Pike Perch

Sander Lucioperca

Fishing method: Gill nets

Origin:  Kazakhstan

Catch area: Balkhash Lake

Available in a range of product specifications - IQF fillets and H&G.


Scomber Scombrus

Fishing method: Trawl caught / Sea frozen

Origin: Norway, Iceland, Scottland and Spain

Catch area: FAO 27

Available in a range of product specifications - IQF fillets, WR and H&G.


For any other enquiries please contact us.